Tietoja tuotteesta Fitness Raahe

Fellmanin puistokatu 18
92100, Raahe


  • sunday: (closed)
  • monday: 16h-18h
  • tuesday: 16h-18h
  • wednesday: 16h-18h
  • thursday: 16h-18h
  • friday: 15h-17h
  • saturday: (closed)
Kompakti ja monipuolinen kuntosali Raahen kaupungin keskustassa.

Fitness Raahe: Arvostelut

4.3/5 (21 Arvostelut)
Максим Фролов 2 years ago

Upea kokemus: Мне там очень нравится, есть все тренажёры и удобное время работы

Andrés 2 years ago

Upea kokemus: A wonderful treatment, the girl at the reception was very kind and understanding with me, she spoke to me in two languages, English and Spanish, a charming woman, she made me feel at home, I have been living in raahe for a while and it is the place where I have been best treated me, with a lot of difference, the other establishments in the city have to learn a lot from the Raahe gym, it is a pleasure to visit it every day, thanks for being as you are, a grateful Spaniard

Seganisti 2 years ago

Upea kokemus: Hyvä ja viihtyisä paikka, suosittelen kyllä.

Ivan Kljajic 3 years ago

Upea kokemus: Perfekt

E G 3 years ago

Upea kokemus: Mukava sali! Hyvin ilmastoitu.

Timo Salonen 3 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Monipuolinen laitteisto, hyvällä paikalla ja normaali hintainen sali. Kaverit kehuu myös omatoimi jumppia ja ohjattuja treenejä.

Kauko Härmä 4 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Mahtava treenipaikka!

Mousa Oudah 4 years ago

Upea kokemus: Erittäin hyvä, ja kiva kuntoilu siellä!

None None 4 years ago

Upea kokemus: Малолюдно, комфортно

Aleksei B 4 years ago

Negatiivinen kokemus: Gym area and equipment is good, but the customer service is terrible! I had so much headache contacting KK Raahe. 1. When I came to register in November no one has told me there is a discount for new members (2 months for 45e). I been charged the full price. 2. When register, the admin wrote my email wrong: with @SMAIL.com instead of @GMAIL (seriously??). Of course I did'nt receive any bills in time. So I had to pay extra fee for each bill of 5-10e because of paper bill copies they sent to my home. 3. I have registered by the very end on November 2019 and paid price for one month (basically almost whole December). Nevertheless I received bills for December. When I contacted KKR by email, my mails were ignored. After that I received invoice from Ropo with extra fee. When I complained about that to Ropo, they contacted KKR and what answer I received: " I looked into the matter and this collection is for you letter is misplaced (....) I am very sorry about this mess". 4. I came to KKR and checked my contact details. found about p2 (@SMAIL.com). I corrected them and asked again to send invoices to my email!! Since that, I haven't received any invoice to emai - all of them sent to my flat with 5e extra for each letter! 5. When a Corona pandemic came, and it was recommended by government not to visit social places, KKR still charge the full price for the month even if you don't visit gym at all. 5. I still receiving these letters and I can not check all my paid invoices online. ROPO is also sending me its invoices and I can not find out what is the issue for the last invoice. To sum it up: I was a KKR member in December-February. When Covid situation became worse, I came to KKR and terminated my membership but they still taking money. I never received bills in time,but always with extra fee. Administrators are not making problem any easier. I gave up. I will pay all these bills, but not me, nor any of my friends would come to this gym anymore. NOT RECOMMENDED.

Anni Luomala 5 years ago

Upea kokemus: Käyn täällä, tosi hyvä monipuolinen!

kuutti (Ville) 5 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: hyvi välineitä

Rita Soini 5 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Helppo paikka treenata kaiken ikäiselle kuntoilijalle

Heidi Ollonqvist 5 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Ahdasta oli

Timo Hannila 6 years ago

Upea kokemus: Hyvä paikka monipuolinen

Vesa. M Tuhkanen 6 years ago

Upea kokemus: Hyvä paikka.ok

Markku Kiviniemi 6 years ago

Upea kokemus: Vakio sali ja tykkään kovasti

Janne Rautasalo 6 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Hyvä paikka. Löytyy monenlaista laitetta ja irtopaino paikkoja missä tehdä monipuolisesti.

Pirjo Mattila 6 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Monipuolisesti live tai virtuaaliliikuntaa tarjoava kuntokeskus keskellä kaupunkia.

Tuija Penttilä 6 years ago

Positiivinen kokemus: Keskustan toimipiste siisti

Aija Jaatinen 7 years ago

Upea kokemus: Hyvät laitteet. Paljon ryhmätunteja. Reilusti tilaa. Hyvät personalreinerit

Kerro mielipiteesi tuotteesta Fitness Raahe:

1 = Huono
5 = Erinomainen

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